
Showing posts with the label lifetime

The lesson called Life

All of us go through different phases in life. If we really pay attention, each phase is meant to teach us something ... for us to grasp some important nuance of life that we have been missing.  So whether we are ecstatic or down in the dumps, the only consistent thread that binds it all is that there is a reason for the moment to occur in our lives. Oh, I am not a proponent of fate/destiny. But I do strongly believe that we reap as we sow. So when you cast a thought (even in your head), try and step out of your situation and try to gauge the overall impact.... So what is this moment trying to tell me ?

Object of our Affection

The last month has seen my life changing in more than one way... all because of the welcoming of a 2+kg globule of mass that has entered our lives....    Were we looking forward to the moment - absolutely, for a while now ! Does it give a sense of elation - sure enough ! But it has also evoked lot of other emotions in the entire family, which I didn't see possible earlier.    We (read:immediate family) have become extra possessive about every moment, and action being taken. Is it a natural reaction.. must be... it's a first for all of us....  The root cause appears to be this sense of belonging of someone who was earlier a part of you. I can safely say that for myself, having harboured (is that even the right term.. or should I say anchored !) the baby in me for 8+ months. But it is more than that. It is not just about the organic matter.. I guess it is also about the idea that we have been responsible in creating something (ooops... someone) new, and now have...

Our Expressions

Most of us are alive most of the time, and honest  (read without any masks) some of the times.. This 'honest' self is often seen only by a chosen few friends/family/spouse, and sometimes to our selves.. Being honest not just means accepting one as they are, but being able to express oneself in true nature, without having to soften the emotion or blow... But what would you do when this true expression ends up violating someone else's space.. What then ? Is your being honest and expressive a sufficient explanation ? Recently watched the movie Thappad , a movie directed by Anubhav Sinha . While I could go on and on about the brilliant performance by not just Kumud Mishra , Taapsee Pannu , Ratna Pathak but by the multiple stars like Naila Grewal , Geetika Vidya Ohlyan and Dia Mirza who have each excelled in their parts in the restricted screen time of just about 10 - 20 minutes.  While Thappad might be called a feminist interpretation of what we face in our day to day lives...

To meet your match

Choosing a life partner is one of the toughest decision one faces. I am not undermining the other decisions one makes which have life changing impact.. but this is the one single decision which often stays with us (for better and for worse) for life. The essential difference is that, unlike in the case of parents, who choose you (and a mostly one way decision), the choice of a partner is an individual decision for which one has complete ownership...  So it is not surprising that a lot of us who linger on with the decision... wavering between indecision towards decision, till you finally call it ! What is the single most important criteria for this decision ? While the cliched answer might be compatibility, this might not be true, atleast in an Indian context, where most marriages are a conclusion of meeting and talking and not much beyond. Compatibility is probably what evolves over time, based on understanding and interpretation. So what exactly is it... Af...


We are all born in different homes... with different cultures and habits.. functions and functionalities.. But the one thing that seems to bind us all is the thought that our parents are outdated and need to update their outlook in life.. What most of us tend to ignore is that it is because of these same set of people that we are able to think the way we do... It is the freedom that they have given us which has enables us to question everything... even them.... How easily we forget our roots.... especially when we are in full bloom....

The Ball is rolling till it Stops

We all talk about making amends in our life... like exercising, quit smoking, eating healthy... the list is almost endless.... In this pursuit of an ideal life and livelihood, we keep trying to mend and amend our lives, and those of our loved ones.... All this when we know, but don't accept, that the clock is ticking, the ball is rolling... and somewhere in the distant (if not near) future, this will all come to a grinding halt... I mean our life ofcourse... But for all the levity and naivety that carries us through, we often miss the actual essence of our lives... to love and be loved.... to hope... to dream and accomplish.... What we should do once in a while is to pause... step back... and admire the view  :)

Work - Life

All of us (or atleast most of us) slog at office.. We explain the donkey work in one of the many ways... financial independence... fruitful (fruitful ? for whom ?!?) utilization of time... alternate social circle..  Whatever the excuse, we always find reasons to work more... push the limits.. try and prove that we are the best ... Little do we realize, that the trade off if ticking someone off... someone you'd want to be a part of your life... for life :) Jobs are temporary... but in the strife to excel at work, we loose track of our home... and annoy (often more than once) the person you'd rather be with..... and in effect, loosing them for life.... So is it all worthwhile...  in the end...  what matters more ? "Your" life or your "Life" ?!?

Small Things in Life

Off late I seem to be missing the small things in life... Does it make any sense when I say that I miss those random midnight chats with friends.... being able to call anyone at anytime of the day/night.... those arbitrary discussion about a travel trip which starts with seeing the photos... the wish to have all meals together...  24hrs with no one but myself... I can go on an on...  But somehow, the sudden realization that I probably won't be able to do any of this is giving me a dull feeling of missing out on life...  Somehow it is these small moments in life that I am missing... and in effect, the bigger things being achieved seemed to look paler in comparison...

Reason to Celebrate

What happens when you have been really waiting for something... and it finally happens.... yipee !!! but... hold it... this is not entirely what I wanted... only part of it.... so does that make my joy incomplete ? or is it still a reason to celebrate ??? Maybe the flaw is in the part where I was looking for a reason to celebrate.... actually, this life should be reason enough :)

Circle of Life

I am a believer of the ripple effect... Everything we do, has an effect, and the ripple continues... and somewhere it moves a full circle, and what goes around, comes around.... But at the same time, if I am looking to start over, there is no better time than today... since the present will continuously keep becoming the past, and the baggage will only increase with time... Like Oscar Wilde wisely said,  The only difference between the saint and the sinner Is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.


Life comes a full circle.. as much as we try and take shortcuts, detours...  What we give is what we get... Needless to say, we came into the world holding someone's hand, learning from what we saw... and we'll leave it, holding someone's hand, seeing the world, and wondering why they haven't learnt ! Photo Credit: Raghu Rai

Love Story

I've read a few books so far.... Some books many times, and many books just about once.... But the one book I can read as many times I lay hands on it is Love Story , by Eric Segal . So as I read the book again (once more !!!), here's what I like the most, besides the entire book that is... "When our two souls stand up erect and strong, face to face, silent,  drawing nigh and nigher 'til the lengthening wings break into fire at either curved point;  What bitter wrong can the Earth do to us that we should not long be here contented? Think.  In mounting higher, the angels would press on us,  and aspire to drop some golden orb of perfect song into our deep dear silence.  Let us stay rather on Earth, Beloved,  where the unfit contrarious moods of men recoil away  and isolate pure spirits and permit a place to stand and love  in for a day with darkness and death hour rounding it."

Change the Unchanged

Our views about life, relationships & people keep changing.... When we start out any relationship, we resolve that we'll accept everyone as they are..... But slowly, we get the itch to change the person....not necessarily to our liking, but towards our ideals..... And then guilt follows, when the realization strikes, that what we had resolved to love, without limits, unchanged, is what we are trying to change, knowingly..... and questioning them all the way..... Now I know what Oscar Wilde meant when he said....  "Women  are meant to be loved, not to be understood."

Year after Year

It suddenly hit me that the year is about to come to an end... This time of the year is normally when I sit down to think what have been the high points and low points of the year.... I don't exactly do this try accounting for the year that has, as usual, zoomed by...  I do this because somewhere, it makes me identify, more clearly the people/things that count to me the most... moments that have clearly left a mark, and are now a part of me...  Almost every year, most of the high points are contributed by my family... close friends... whom we often take for granted the most.. This year has also left a lot to seek... a healthier life for everyone... take a break from work more often... and some growth in work & family... But in the middle of all this.. some highs & some lows... I feel that the year went by fine... And hope that we have even better ones ahead of us...


All of us like to plan ahead...  some to the closest instant, so for the distant future... As humans, i guess we feel assured of a certain lifespan.. so we like to control, to the extent possible, what comes our way... What we don't anticipate, is that it can all come tumbling down, with that instant of carelessness, or the sudden slamming of the brakes.... And then, it dawns... Thank God I am alive... Maybe that helps respect the life we are living... every moment, every thought...

Life - Time

Found this in a book I just finished reading... says it all... "In the infinity of time, what is the span of human existence..." Photo Credits: My Husband :)