Object of our Affection

The last month has seen my life changing in more than one way... all because of the welcoming of a 2+kg globule of mass that has entered our lives.... 
Were we looking forward to the moment - absolutely, for a while now !
Does it give a sense of elation - sure enough !
But it has also evoked lot of other emotions in the entire family, which I didn't see possible earlier. 
We (read:immediate family) have become extra possessive about every moment, and action being taken. Is it a natural reaction.. must be... it's a first for all of us.... 

The root cause appears to be this sense of belonging of someone who was earlier a part of you. I can safely say that for myself, having harboured (is that even the right term.. or should I say anchored !) the baby in me for 8+ months. But it is more than that. It is not just about the organic matter.. I guess it is also about the idea that we have been responsible in creating something (ooops... someone) new, and now have the opportunity to shape the life.
But how to cope with the infinite opinions (oh, there are more than infinite opinions about everything, if that's possible) of which a lot appear to be correct, to a first timer like me, how does one decide. And more importantly, how do we decide without hurting the other person's emotions.

Maybe I'd be at peace if I had a certain sense of detachment about atleast some of the issues... or about the fuss around 'impacting' the life of your child... but I guess that would take lot of time and willpower.


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