Small Things in Life

Off late I seem to be missing the small things in life...

Does it make any sense when I say that I miss those random midnight chats with friends.... being able to call anyone at anytime of the day/night.... those arbitrary discussion about a travel trip which starts with seeing the photos... the wish to have all meals together...  24hrs with no one but myself... I can go on an on... 

But somehow, the sudden realization that I probably won't be able to do any of this is giving me a dull feeling of missing out on life... 

Somehow it is these small moments in life that I am missing... and in effect, the bigger things being achieved seemed to look paler in comparison...


  1. Happiness does seem elusive more than ever now.. i can so relate to this post of yours..

    1. You really read up all the posts... Thank you...

      This is the one thing I am still to do...


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