
Showing posts with the label present

Present and Future

What if we could see our future... and experience it... would we then live our present the way we are living it now ? Hopefully then, won't our future change ? So did we even see our future ?  Or was it all an illusion ?

On the Way

While driving, besides following all traffic rules (yaah, that's part of the job !), we rely on the view in front and the rear view mirror to manoeuvre through all the traffic, to reach our destination... sometimes reaching the wrong place, and sometimes slightly late... However, in trying to focus on the rear view for too much, we end up losing sight of what is coming our way... Likewise, not paying any attention to the past, might come and hit you at some point in time.... So it's important to be cognizant of both views, and have a clear destination :)


The more I think about it, the more I am confused... To think that the past doesn't have any bearing on us from the moment it has gone by is foolishness.... And to think that the future is what we need to invest for/in is not prudent either... So how do I balance myself in "that" precarious position.. not whiling away the moment... yet not undermining the importance of the past or the future ...