
Showing posts with the label Silence

Home is where the Heart is

What is it that makes home feel like home? That makes one come back to it ? I know there are some physical aspects in a house that make it home ..  But IT IS finally, the people who make a house feel like home... People who talk, communicate, are frank with each other...infact I think each person has their own wish list... For someone who likes the banter at home, I've suddenly started to despise OTT and all devices even more... Nowadays. I often walk into a house where each person is attached (read: glued) to their own respective devices...grrrrrr..... I find that my home is missing ?!? Radio silence ....


I scream.. You scream.. And then we tear each other down... or so I feel... So I end up screaming silently...

The Sounds of Silence

Cool breeze... Calming silence... Background chorus of chirping birds.... Myriad thoughts... Wandering birds... spotted for the first time... Random thoughts... Circling the mind... I know this silence must end... But I think it is not just nature which needed this reset...

NO Horn Please

Thanks to the fantastic weather outside, I decided to go on a drive - windows rolled down, with cool breeze playing with my hair... I was beginning to travel into a different world..... till a blaring horn brought me back to the noisy roads of Delhi. I concluded that it was no longer possible to enjoy the weather by driving through the city, as there would always be some moron ready to honk you back to reality ! Please use the horn only when it is absolutely necessary or is a matter of life and death. No point being so noisy anyway !!


Silences... the most versatile moments if I might say so... The happy ones.. the sad ones... The playful ones.. the ruthless ones... The meaningful ones... Some with none at all.... The ones that say it all... the ones that don't say a thing... Some meant to fill the spaces... Some meant to create them... As much as we claim to know a person..  I often wonder if it is ever possible to understand the silences that pass a conversation..... Hmmm.....