
Showing posts with the label ego

The Minority Report

In the Corporate world, I have learnt the hard way that the more you are conscious about your/your team's gender, the more people try and take you for a ride. There is no limit to all the nonsense... You try to be careful, and you are told you are distant... You avoid social gatherings, only to be reprimanded that you are anti social... I am often left wondering if the people would give the same responses if the person on the other side was a male. Conveniently, since a majority of most workplaces are filled with men and sprinkled with women, even a random poll would have unfavourable results. So I have finally concluded that I don't care.. Don't care about what others think.. or what they 'expect' from the girl next door, or rather at the next desk....  Of course I am not worried about intimidating men.  The type of man who will be intimidated by me is exactly the type of man I have no interest in.    ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

Wavering thoughts

the mindless banter the conscious avoidance the constant look out  wondering what you are upto it feels strange to be so aware of senses beyond my own of a fluttering in my heart and a pace quite unkown I was dangerously close to take the deep plunge to try and please you oh my dear ego !

Huff.. Puff... till I Blow the House Down !!!

The confidence of being in control... The satisfaction of being right... The joy of reiteration... The squabble that follows... The pleasure of just kissing and making up... M not sure going through the rigmarole was worth it... Considering there were easier ways of achieving the same end result... Not like I drove home a point either ;))


We are all entitled to views.. perspectives.. about things... people... But what happens when these views slowly turn into prejudices.. without realizing, we begin judging, which the need of a judgement... It could be based on anything... gender... religion... faith... language... colour... just about anything... even something as trivial as how someone dresses... How do we control our thought...And not see everything through tinted glasses... It becomes so difficult to see the truth, to get past these thoughts & our ego, to see that we are wrong.. and someone else is right... Photo Source:


"The ego is a leaky balloon, forever requiring helium of external love to remain inflated, and ever vulnerable to the small pin pricks of neglect." ~ Gurcharan Das, The Difficulty of Being Good We all claim to be sane. Not engrossed in ourselves. Not influenced by flattery. But we all are.  I think most of us realize once the other person is overdoing it.. but till then, it's all music to our ears...

Dialogue with God ?!?

I have a specific complaint with Indians (pardon my targeting citizens of just the subcontinent... but here is where I've witnessed it !) Whether it is a bhajan/kirtan session.. a puja to celebrate a festival.... or a call for that day's namaaz ... or a sermon being given by a famous priest.. we have learnt to use microphones to the most....  It's as if we want to tell everyone around us what we are upto...  I always thought connecting with god, or atleast attempting to, was a very personal intimate thing... which is why it amazes me when all of us attempt to advertise these dialogues with god... I understand, that in today's world, everything needs publicity... from a tiny chewing gum to a man's ego... But I am always left wondering if the communication would have been more effective the other way... Afterall, how will you get peace of mind, when you are disturbing the peace in other people's lives..... PS: I am sorry if I hurt anyone's sentime...