Work - Life

All of us (or atleast most of us) slog at office..
We explain the donkey work in one of the many ways... financial independence... fruitful (fruitful ? for whom ?!?) utilization of time... alternate social circle.. 

Whatever the excuse, we always find reasons to work more... push the limits.. try and prove that we are the best ...

Little do we realize, that the trade off if ticking someone off... someone you'd want to be a part of your life... for life :)

Jobs are temporary... but in the strife to excel at work, we loose track of our home... and annoy (often more than once) the person you'd rather be with..... and in effect, loosing them for life....

So is it all worthwhile... 
in the end... 
what matters more ?
"Your" life or your "Life" ?!?


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