
Showing posts with the label Crisis

Noah's Ark

Whether we talk about the Noah's Ark, Manu & the Matsya avatar or Nuh, the reference to that hope of a saviour when you are flooded is universal.  Ever so often, in life, when we are in a crisis, we tend to look for a saviour/ help... And more often than not, help appears in different shapes and forms, not always in the direction we are looking.  But what is more important is your will to move along, to accept the help being offered and not stay in denial to let 'fate take it's course'.  Fate will, obviously take it's course, but that is subject to the responses we send to the universe.   If Noah was ushering everyone into the boat, and I chose to say that I won't act on this option because I believe in the supreme and will wait for a suitable (read not tough/challenging) option to come my way, that's our action which is finally determining our fate. So keep your eyes and ears open for any such knock at your door... Often, tying our lifeboat to the horn ...