The lesson called Life

All of us go through different phases in life. If we really pay attention, each phase is meant to teach us something... for us to grasp some important nuance of life that we have been missing. So whether we are ecstatic or down in the dumps, the only consistent thread that binds it all is that there is a reason for the moment to occur in our lives.

Oh, I am not a proponent of fate/destiny. But I do strongly believe that we reap as we sow. So when you cast a thought (even in your head), try and step out of your situation and try to gauge the overall impact....

So what is this moment trying to tell me ?


  1. You are so right. Every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow or reflect and change course if need be. Life is the best lesson taught in a beautiful practical way. We need only to sense it.

    1. Listening to everything around us is a skill most of us loose as we grow up.... Takes a while to realize its importance once we grow up.


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