
Showing posts with the label expression

Eruptions !

We all have our pet peeves. And we all like things a certain way. Some habits are formed during the growing up years and others, we acquire over time. So it is but natural that we feel unhappy/discontent/frustrated when your partner/family is doing something in a different way. Trouble starts to brew however, when we don't share these thoughts and feedback, and just bottle it all up. This option leads to a sudden explosion of emotion when the tipping point is reached. Such bursts of emotion might be rare but are tougher to handle and sort out. Also it catches the other person almost unaware about all the bottled thoughts which could have been acted on at the relevant moment. Not saying that some of it is easy to digest , but getting feedback on a piece meal basis is definitely more effective than hearing what sounds like a volcano spewing lava !!!   Couldn't find a more befitting depiction. Credits: The Scream by Edvard Munch  

Chirping Humans

I love the chirping of birds...  there is something in it gives me a great sense of comfort and calms me ! Humans communicating is a whole different thing :) All of us communicate to convey our basic needs, as that's an instinctive response. But how many of us truly discuss and communicate, especially as we grow up and start our own families.  We set aside time for everything - food, exercise, study/reading. But how many of us spend time actually talking.  I am not one to gossip, but over time I have realized that the one thing I miss the most is Talking! Not about what to eat and where to go, but just talking . If you are wondering what talking implies outside of these subjects, you are clearly in the same boat ! We all have our schedules for work and entertainment, and the day just zooms by without our realizing. Despite living under the same roof, there are often days & weeks when we don't end up talking .  Give it some thought. Maybe you'll have some ideas ! ...


I am very bad it buying gifts.  I mean, I can always buy something for someone, a casual chocolate, an ice cream.. you get the drift... But the minute it comes to getting something in a box for someone, I often freeze... So when I finally thought I should splurge a little on a gift, and finally found a gadget (read: a gift that finally comes in a box)  that would be used, I went ahead and bought it. Ironically, the part I missed was whether it was needed... so in my misguided thrill for finally finding something that would be used, I forgot the other important aspect of a gift ! And so, now, the box is wistfully staring at me, as I stare back... hoping that the beneficiary (not that the person thinks he is benefitting from it)  would finally unbox it ! I know I am making too much of a small thing, but to understand the joy of finally finding something, you need to watch Shall we Dance?    

Our Expressions

Most of us are alive most of the time, and honest  (read without any masks) some of the times.. This 'honest' self is often seen only by a chosen few friends/family/spouse, and sometimes to our selves.. Being honest not just means accepting one as they are, but being able to express oneself in true nature, without having to soften the emotion or blow... But what would you do when this true expression ends up violating someone else's space.. What then ? Is your being honest and expressive a sufficient explanation ? Recently watched the movie Thappad , a movie directed by Anubhav Sinha . While I could go on and on about the brilliant performance by not just Kumud Mishra , Taapsee Pannu , Ratna Pathak but by the multiple stars like Naila Grewal , Geetika Vidya Ohlyan and Dia Mirza who have each excelled in their parts in the restricted screen time of just about 10 - 20 minutes.  While Thappad might be called a feminist interpretation of what we face in our day to day lives...


Met at the alley Exchanged glances... In silent agreement We knew our chances.. If only I'd had more courage to say What was in my heart that day... Photo by Lyubomir Bukov, taken from

Mind on the Road

Its almost a heartening sight when you see someone facilitate the movement of an ambulance on the road... Though I've mentioned it in the past , I think most of us need re-iteration, especially when it comes to etiquette on the road... So what kind of drivers are we... One with the mind on the road... or is it just eyes.... What I am trying to ask is.. are we the kind who drive, with just music to enjoy... or do we believe in multi-tasking.... Lord forbid, but that multi-tasking might leave us incapable of doing any other task in the future !!!

Guilt - Trap

Most of us feel guilty once in a while... if not most of the time... It would be interesting to dwell on the reason we feel guilty... If we look beyond what seems like an innocent emotion... we'll find that its a vicious thought our mind propagates in order to calm our conscience.... The inherent nature of the emotion is a cover-up.. and eyewash... for ourselves...


All of us love our parents... But I doubt, if even once in our lifetime, we tell them how much we love them... ya ya.. I get it... that some things are understood, and need not be said... but once they start getting old... these are the things that keep them going... to know that they are loved... that we'll take care of them... Afterall, life comes a full circle.. from their holding our hand to walk... to us holding theirs....

Split Personality

All of us have sides..  Is it the good.. the better.. and the best... or  Is it the good.. the bad.. and the ugly... PS: If you haven't already guessed.. this is one of the many masterpieces created by MC Escher . If this has intrigued you enough, you'll find more of his stuff here .

The Wrong Thing The Right Way

As far as I could remember, one would always wish to do things the right way... the underlying assumption was always that the way is being sought for doing the right things :) I guess doing things wrong doesn't need directions (unless you are seeking directions while circling the roads of delhi ;) But as things progress from the mono-colour world of black n white to the land of grey's.... discussions about "the right way for the wrong thing" shouldn't have come as a surprise... I mean... haven't we always known that there is only 1 unique right thing - right way combination... imagine the confusion in picking the "right" way to do the "wrong" thing... So if I had to choose simply, isn't it easier to pick the right thing - right way option... easy on the brain you know !!!

Hit in the Face

What happens if you are crossing the road and a bike suddenly rams into you.... Besides the fact that you'll probably be unconscious (or maybe you wish you are), what is the first thing that will come to your mind... Thank god I am alive !! But what happens if you've just witnessed someone getting rammed! Whats your first impulse ? Wonder what the sign means ?


What do you find easiest to concentrate on.... some would say god... some would say themselves... but somehow, whenever I make an attempt to concentrate on something is precisely the moment when my mind begins to wander.... Maybe our subconscious loves playing the Devil's Advocate...  trying to challenge us to not let us do what we have set out to do :) Isn't that the case always... for everything.... I wonder how people concentrate on anything ;)

Road Rationale

In our busy lives nowadays, we seem to spend most of our time in office, and the remaining time on the roads (driving, i mean)... Its interesting to observe how people react to different situations on the road... I've come to believe that it has a direct correlation with our actual behaviour (or maybe our closet behaviour)... For instance, what would be your instantaneous reaction when you see an ambulance, with a blowing siren coming behind you... don't bother clearing the passage for it - a  dumb ass who doesn't bother about rules, not even when it's a matter of life and death for someone else clear the way, and the immediately follow it - an opportunist who has found a  way to beat the traffic clear the passage, wait for it to pass by, and then proceed with wherever you were driving to - normal bahaviour (or so I thought) of a cool headed individual clear the passage, and remained on the sidelines - laid back individual, who is not bothered about pace Di...

Gift of Life

I give you light..  I show the way.. I support you..  I melt away... Giving... is selfless.... Getting.. is unconditional... And it is equally important to appreciate both.... Afterall, you never know when you are on the other side...

Evolution ?!?

Man evolves physically... but I've come to believe that we are slowly devolving (if such a word exists) emotionally & psycologically... Our previous generations had blind faith... in their elders/forefathers or who ever they chose to believe.... M not saying blind faith is good... atleast they had the strength to stand by their belief... What are all of us doing now??? In the name of experimentation, we dabble in different things, without understanding the reason/basis of it... j ust for the sake of experimentation, we are not only letting go what we have, but are getting into some new unknown.... Call me old fashioned, if thats what this is.. but I've always learnt to question... I'm not averse to change or experimentation.. but not without a basis.... Remember the science experiments we used to do in school.. Aim... Apparatus... Theory.. Method....  That's the way to follow here also...

Split Personality

All of us have another side... a Jekyll & a Hyde... a black swan & a white... What matters is not that there is a split.. but what we let prevail... Afterall, it is all in our control... or is it that we try and control too much....


The anger within.... The calm outside... The anger brought out... The calm within... Afterall, there has to be a balance Credits for Photograph: Joshi Daniel - The Monster Within (from )


iss sanaate mae sab sunai deta hai jo hum chehre se chupa lete hai iss kadar sab saaf nazar aata hai ke raunshni ka asar he na rahe


What is easier... to make the choice.. to take the choice... or wait for time to show you the way... Or maybe all this just seems easy...  there is essentially no "choice" involved...


Silences... the most versatile moments if I might say so... The happy ones.. the sad ones... The playful ones.. the ruthless ones... The meaningful ones... Some with none at all.... The ones that say it all... the ones that don't say a thing... Some meant to fill the spaces... Some meant to create them... As much as we claim to know a person..  I often wonder if it is ever possible to understand the silences that pass a conversation..... Hmmm.....