Change the Unchanged

Our views about life, relationships & people keep changing....

When we start out any relationship, we resolve that we'll accept everyone as they are.....
But slowly, we get the itch to change the person....not necessarily to our liking, but towards our ideals.....

And then guilt follows, when the realization strikes, that what we had resolved to love, without limits, unchanged, is what we are trying to change, knowingly..... and questioning them all the way.....

Now I know what Oscar Wilde meant when he said.... 
"Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood."


  1. In a way, changing views are good. They keep us on our toes. Mostly we 'think' we hate a person until we have to stay away from them for a while.

    1. Very True...
      It has a lot to do with our mind... which never gets satisfied with what we have !

  2. I loved this post...even understood it. :P

    1. :) Thanks...
      And welcome back to Blogdom !

  3. Haha.. Kya Baat.. Kya Baat.. Kya Baaat! :)


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