
Four Quartets

I recently rediscovered Thomas Stearns Eliot a.k.a. TS Eliot . Couldn't resist posting some of the lines, considering the sheer joy in just reading his work, especially Four Quartets .  I can't claim to understand it all, but each line has so many realms it touches, that one could just be reeling with couple of lines a day. My current favourite are the following lines from the first part of the Four Quartets titles Burnt Norton : Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. If only we could really understand the depth of time, and utilize it wisely, without repent, we would all be happier people ! 

Wealth Creation

In some shape or form, most of us (individuals and organizations) are in a quest of wealth creation.. moolah..... all ways and means to build for the future. The future for self, progeny, family, society.. the aspiration could vary, but the underlying theme remains the same. The ones with a small loci start with wealth creation for self, and extend it to our families. The next level think about the near and dear. A few have the vision for creating for the society, strangers.  But the bottomline remains the same. A recent edition of First Principles  by The Ken, which all about the joy of investing in self, provided an interesting perspective to this discussion. But to me, the highlight was the article by Nipun Mehta  really changed my viewpoint on wealth. Needless to say, all of us underestimate the impact we have on each other, if only we choose to think about it.

The lesson called Life

All of us go through different phases in life. If we really pay attention, each phase is meant to teach us something ... for us to grasp some important nuance of life that we have been missing.  So whether we are ecstatic or down in the dumps, the only consistent thread that binds it all is that there is a reason for the moment to occur in our lives. Oh, I am not a proponent of fate/destiny. But I do strongly believe that we reap as we sow. So when you cast a thought (even in your head), try and step out of your situation and try to gauge the overall impact.... So what is this moment trying to tell me ?

Care full or less ?

Being a woman is tough.... and I don't mean it in a rudimentary way of a menstural cycle and pregnancy and post partem. I mean the more obvious way of having to deal with a roving eye. I have been raised to be an independent, and (almost!) self sufficient person who can take care of herself come hell or high water ! In all these years in the corporate world an trying to make the workplace a more inclusive place, there is a sixth sense which kicks in when I interact with some people.... and THAT is the one thing that keeps me on my toes ! Am I over-reacting in thinking like this... afterall 21% percent of the workforce comprises of women. We might not be a majority, but it isn't a negligible statistic.  Then what is it that makes the mind cringe on those odd occasions ?  Staying away is not the solution, neither is being overly cautious about it.  What is the solution ? Besides relying on the sixth sense, which suddenly just steps up in sticky situation :)

Chirping Humans

I love the chirping of birds...  there is something in it gives me a great sense of comfort and calms me ! Humans communicating is a whole different thing :) All of us communicate to convey our basic needs, as that's an instinctive response. But how many of us truly discuss and communicate, especially as we grow up and start our own families.  We set aside time for everything - food, exercise, study/reading. But how many of us spend time actually talking.  I am not one to gossip, but over time I have realized that the one thing I miss the most is Talking! Not about what to eat and where to go, but just talking . If you are wondering what talking implies outside of these subjects, you are clearly in the same boat ! We all have our schedules for work and entertainment, and the day just zooms by without our realizing. Despite living under the same roof, there are often days & weeks when we don't end up talking .  Give it some thought. Maybe you'll have some ideas ! PS: The


What is music to my ears, sounds like noise to you... Often words fall on your ears and just bounce off without any recollection... Is it lack of interest or lack of memory ?  Or just sheer convenience ! zzzzzz   

Anger & Entitlement

For most of us, a bout of anger can happen often - with or without visible reason -  depending on what our mind/subconscious is saying to us. To the recipient of the harsh words, it may feel uncalled for. But irrespective of the cause, the impact is sobering of mood, dulling of enthusiasm, and a feeling of distaste (even if temporary). But what/where does anger stem from? The more you mull over this question, the more answers you'll find. The most common reasons are ofcourse dissatisfaction, discontent, a feeling of disparity (notice how all the common causes start with dis-). But I'd like to dwell on two causes I've noticed, which are often not highlighted, maybe because we choose not to dwell so deep. The first being guilt and the second being a sense of entitlement. Anger stemming from guilt is easy to identify, especially in the corporate world. Lots of folks use the technique of offense is the best defense  when it is actually their work that is lacking. Aggression se


Faith/Belief, to me, has a very different meaning, which I don't mix with religion. By an average standard, most would call me an atheist, which I strongly disagree with. Faith is sacrosanct, simple. and in one. It doesn't need any beautification. grandiose or marketing/selling to make anyone believe or prove its worth. This understanding hit me even harder when I was recently invited to a Bhagwath Gita paath (पाठ) by Jaya Kishoriji  . This was my first to such an event, and oh. what an eye opener it was. I was later made to understand that this was the norm across venues, which further made me question what we are all moving towards. As against my assumption that such an event would be organized in a temple or a similar simplistic venue, the event was organized in a huge banquet hall which was grander than any of the wedding halls I've been too. The grandeur of the hall, the importance to the food served before and after the daily session (which I believe should have been 

Withering Heights

There is a grace in a withering yellow leaf,  floating in the breeze before it falls on the ground... Alas, all things come to an end,  And this does too... It is on us to decide what we choose. A graceful exit as we wither and float, till we finally land on the ground, lifeless, yet free..


I am very bad it buying gifts.  I mean, I can always buy something for someone, a casual chocolate, an ice cream.. you get the drift... But the minute it comes to getting something in a box for someone, I often freeze... So when I finally thought I should splurge a little on a gift, and finally found a gadget (read: a gift that finally comes in a box)  that would be used, I went ahead and bought it. Ironically, the part I missed was whether it was needed... so in my misguided thrill for finally finding something that would be used, I forgot the other important aspect of a gift ! And so, now, the box is wistfully staring at me, as I stare back... hoping that the beneficiary (not that the person thinks he is benefitting from it)  would finally unbox it ! I know I am making too much of a small thing, but to understand the joy of finally finding something, you need to watch Shall we Dance?