The Indian Space story

I was never a 'podcast' person as I prefer reading to listening, if you know what I am saying.
But off late, long hours of travel (and old age, which doesn't permit much reading in a moving car) has forced me to rely on my ears (than eyes).

Much to my surprise, I discovered some delectable content in the likes of Youtube, Spotify and One such podcast which I'd recommend to everyone is the podcast by ATS Studio on Spotify, called Mission ISRO hosted by Harsha Bhogle.

It is a beautifully narrated journey of the Indian scientists, on how they managed to make the Indian space mission work. considering it started post Independence, when the government had bigger fish to fry. You'd be surprised to note that Kalam only forms a small part of long list of scientists we need to thank including Vikram Sarabhai, Homi Jehangir Bhabha and Satish Dhawan, to name a few.

What made the podcast even more interesting were the numerous anecdotes through each episode. Did you know that there is a painting of Tipu Sultan fighting the Anglo Mysore war in NASA ? or that the first propellent for the space mission were prepared in a kitchen grinder ? or How Krishi Darshan was actually an experiment by ISRO to establish the important of Television media broadcasting ?

Trust me, it leaves you with a warm feeling about the country and these humble scientists.   


  1. Avvayar, a female Tamil poet lived circa 3 BCE. She wrote a couplet “கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கல்லாதது உலகளவு” , "Katrathu Kai Mann Alavu, Kallathathu Ulagalavu". That Means “Known is amount of sand in the fist, Unknown is total sand in the world”.

    I don’t know how far it is true. I have read Avvayar’s couplet in English is prominently displayed at NASA.

    1. Oh wow. Didn't know that.
      Thank you for coming by.

  2. Interesting! I used podcast while i was learning French. Haven't gone back since then. Now, it sounds like i should. And yes, I cannot read while on a moving vehicle as well. :-)

    1. Recently discovered some interesting stuff


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