Gene Pool

Progeny has a funny impact on how we look at things...
The urge to see a piece of you in flesh and blood is so strong. that we seem to loose all sense of perspective till we do it :)

We wish and pray for a creation, who is like us :)
Ironically, the similarity we often seek is in the form of the 'adorable' smile, the eating habits, intelligence,  body language.. the list could go on...

But what truly matter is what kind of person the child is, the nature, attitude, demeanor... and the key to this is more the environment and upbringing than the gene pool. Don't get me wrong, the gene pool is a good trendsetter, but it is not 'the' reason for someone turning out a certain way.

So when we all seek for a part of us in someone else, we need to remember what matter.. I mean what truly counts !  


  1. You are absolutely correct. It is not “the” reason for someone turning out a certain way. Mahatma Gandhi’s eldest son Harilal was a drunk and destitute. Both Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama come from dysfunctional families.


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