Life Death and the ones left in between

How do you tell a 9 year old that her father is no more....As adults, most of us grapple with the thought and logic (if any) behind a dear one leaving us... and I was suddenly left wondering what to say to this 9 year old !!!

For the first time in a long time, I was left speechless, not because I didn't want to say anything, but simply because I didn't know what to say..

Does it make sense if I tell you that all of a sudden, I became the child with a rubbery tongue, and the 9 year old had turned into the adult, trying to respond sensibly and sensitively. I was stumped by the questions thrown at me. 

I felt so insufficient in my responses, but the child took even that in her stride. The strength of character in facing not just the reality but also fighting each dilemma in her own sweet way left me in deep thought for some time to come.

I hope no one has to face what this child did... 

PS: I was faced with this recently when a close friend lost her husband, and I was told to take care of her daughter... I am still wondering who was taking care of whom !


  1. one of the hardest situations to be in. I am sure.

    1. It was heart wrenching... And I felt insufficient in my responses...

  2. I am very sorry. Unable to write.

    1. Just feel that I should clarify that I was with a very close friend's daughter... Just realized when I re-read the post that it sounded otherwise.... Will update the post accordingly..

    2. Thanks. I still feel for that girl and her mom.


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