Happy New Year !

The first week of the year is often spent in recollecting the best and the worst of the year gone by. It makes sense to thank what we have had, hoping for good times to come.

I'd love to say that I make resolutions each year, and try to stick by them, but that's not true.. not even the first part. So let me not call these resolutions. Let's just say these are realizations of the past year, which will be setting the theme of the year ahead.

  1. Winds of Change : With a toddler in tow, life has taken a 360degree turn. While we keep trying to restore equilibrium (read: relive experiences and moments of the past), situations and time spent has changed definitively. Of course it is all for the better, but one often wonders if we can re-attempt what we did earlier. So till we find a new equilibrium (now that there is a tiny human in the equation), hope we survive the swings & friction, and redefine the new status quo soon.
  2. Leap of Faith: There is help all around us, in different shapes, sizes and people, but it seems possible (or plausible ?!?) only when one is open to taking help in the first place. So at some point, one has to take the leap of faith & let go the reigns (because we tend to have an urge to control our life) to restore semblance.
  3. Work to Live, and not Live to Work: I enjoy my work, but it is often like going down a rabbit hole which sucks us in. The discipline to realize that there is life outside work, which is as important than this makes a lot of difference in decisions made.
So live it up, and enjoy as we unroll the carpet for the New Year
Cheers to the New Year, with 'Chasing Cars', I first heard on Grey's Anatomy.


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family. Even though things change rapidly, it is always a good feeling to relive pleasant experiences and moments of the past. I do that many times. “Chasing Cars” is very emotional. Nominated for Grammy Award.

    1. Didn't know Chasing Cars was nominated for a Grammy !
      Happy New Year SG :)


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