Happy Mother's Day

From being critical about the Mother's and Father's days, to writing this today...

Our life goes through different phases... from being an infant, and holding their hands... to childhood heading to adolescence, where the hand became a finger, but the touch was still essential.... somewhere in the middle of the second decade, we long for independence, striving to break free (from I wonder what !) from the "hold" our parents wield on us... I guess life comes a full circle, when we actually set out to build a nest of our own, how much we depend on them...

Though I may not end up saying this to you face to face (you might even think I've actually lost it if I do ;))... but it is true...

Amma, I might have grown up, but I don't think I can ever outgrow you... 
You mean the world to me...  from being a child, and yet enjoying being treated as an adult by you; to now being an adult and yet your indulging my childish whims and fancies.. you just know it...

I adore you.. admire you and respect you, for what you pull off each day, each moment...
Happy Mother's Day !!!

To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. 
Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.
~ Maya Angelou


  1. Your line on having grown up but never outgrowing our mothers (and fathers) is really, really on the spot. I can not think any better way to express this emotion.


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