Think before you Speak

Have you ever felt that you talk too much... and sometimes, words just slip out..
that you've said things that could have been avoided, even though what you said was true...
How do you control that spontaneous response, and the regret later....

Dogs are better than human beings 

because they know but do not tell. 

~ Emily Dickinson


  1. I am 23 and am still working on it since the last 20-21 years (since I started speaking)

    1. KK: Ditto... can't seem to figure out a way to achieve it...

  2. Its good i guess to talk too much than keeping those words inside your head for never to speak again.

    I mean those unspoken words could make you insane.. so it is better to just blah them out! :P

    If you start talking selectively, believe me you will start missing on life, emotions and real you!
    This is how i see it.

    On the lighter side.. you should never tell your boss that he is an asshole! ;)

    Happy Life!

    1. Agreed.... but this is about those moments when you bite your tongue just after you've uttered the words.... or maybe realize a little later in the day....
      Though I agree that thinking too much before speaking will kill the joy of speech..
      I wish there was a middle path...

    2. Ohk, I think your problem is more girl specific so i could not get it right! :P

      And please remove this word verification.. it is killing me!

  3. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of your speech ;-)

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