Roko Mat

What I miss about my childhood the most (of course I miss the idea of not having to assume any responsibilities... duh..) is the freedom to think.

Not like I've been chained to an outlook, or that an attitude has stuck to me..
But the supposed logic, and practicality that we tend to attain with age (is that what is erroneously called wisdom ?!?), is what is responsible for our lack of ingenuity... the lack of thinking out of the box....

We have regimented our outlook and thought process with dos & don't, the right & the wrong, the reality & the dream... 

And somewhere, maybe unknowingly, we inculcate the same in our children...
So when they ask why they can't fly, all we say is that they'll fall down on the ground... without realizing that we are actually clipping their wings...


  1. Quite thoughtful post! :)

    1. Thanks Arpit... you seemed to have spotted it almost immediately..

    2. Yup.. I am always here and there and everywhere! :P

    3. :) Good to have you around !!!

  2. I think if there is one thing children should be taught, it should be to never simply believe in whatever bullshit the world tells them. Period.

    1. I know... but we let our "sanity" influence kids...

  3. Be the 'Will Smith' of 'In Pursuit of Happyness' for your kids...


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