Ordinary v/s Extraordinary

What is it that we look for....
Is it that it should be something we like... or is there an underlying requirement that it should be extraordinary..
It has become a repeated occurrence that people demand not what they like, but something extraordinary...
As if the ordinary is not good enough, even of they like it...

“If a man knew anything, he would sit in a corner and be modest; but he is such an ignorant peacock, that he goes bustling up and down, and hits on extraordinary discoveries.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. It all depends on one's reference point. What may be extra ordinary for me may be ordinary for the other person.

  2. This is not about perception..

    Irrespective of what I perceive, whatever we tend to choose should be "extraordinary" ...

  3. Well it's a mix of ambition, societal and peer pressure and the urge not to miss out on what might be achieved...even by sheer luck.

    A guy may be happy with say a college like FMS in Delhi, but he might still apply to IIMA because of the above mix.

    And its never "should be" unless you can't justify your decision :).

  4. Whatever might be the reason we give for the same... whether it is that we always strive for the best, or that it all should be extraordinary...
    We might be missing out on simple joys in life..

  5. Yeah it's like ambition is not bad as long as you know when to stop. :)

  6. Thats how it all starts...
    Till it becomes a race to the top :)

  7. Well it should start that way for sure else even simple joys of life would be out of reach....

    the fact is one should be realistic and know it's just one life...so live it! :)


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