Justify Thyself

All of us have a tendency to keep giving justifications.. for what we do, what we don't do, what we should have done etc etc..

Ironically, we give the maximum number of justifications to the ones we love... though these are the people whom we shouldn't be giving explanations to at all ?!?

Or is that just a myth ? Like most things in a relationship ;)


  1. Justification is a reassurance that "I am still the same one you knew" and justification is directly related to expectations in a relationship :)

  2. That's the point.. Ain't it...

    We all change with time, but we tend to keep justifying the change, just to probably cover up.. or make it sound more reasonable... when change is actually inevitable...

  3. I feel it is also to do with the fact that we humans are insecure by nature.

    A change in the person brings in insecurity of fidelity in relationship.

    The justification restores the faith...and the cycle continues...

  4. Yes.. we get uncomfortable when anything changes.. .so we justify any change...
    The point still remains that we provide justifications to our loved ones the most..

  5. We provide most justifications to the person whom we care the most and want to be most comfortable.

    Its just this caring-comfort relation we share that makes us justify.

    The point may still remain that we justify most, but we also care for them the most :)


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