Mind on the Road

Its almost a heartening sight when you see someone facilitate the movement of an ambulance on the road...
Though I've mentioned it in the past, I think most of us need re-iteration, especially when it comes to etiquette on the road...

So what kind of drivers are we...
One with the mind on the road... or is it just eyes....

What I am trying to ask is.. are we the kind who drive, with just music to enjoy... or do we believe in multi-tasking....

Lord forbid, but that multi-tasking might leave us incapable of doing any other task in the future !!!


  1. No, you're wrong. Or at least not completely right. You're missing the far bigger picture. Indians have no respect for anyone else and no sense of civic duty. At all. That's why we're late all the time. That's why we'll break queues. That's why we'll blow our car horns when we're in a traffic jam that obviously cannot move or at a traffic light that is still red. I get so pissed off when someone I hold the door open doesn't even acknowledge it. Let's face it - basic civic sense is missing. Live with it. I've learned how to.

  2. There is some truth in what you are saying.. But I'd like to believe that there has been change for the better also...
    Etiquette doesnt come overnight...
    So it will take time...

    Case in point is the metro... people of all sizes, stature use it, with similar conduct...

  3. I’m taken aback how well this blog is written and organized. Well done!


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