Evolution ?!?

Man evolves physically... but I've come to believe that we are slowly devolving (if such a word exists) emotionally & psycologically...

Our previous generations had blind faith... in their elders/forefathers or who ever they chose to believe....
M not saying blind faith is good... atleast they had the strength to stand by their belief...

What are all of us doing now???

In the name of experimentation, we dabble in different things, without understanding the reason/basis of it... just for the sake of experimentation, we are not only letting go what we have, but are getting into some new unknown....

Call me old fashioned, if thats what this is.. but I've always learnt to question...
I'm not averse to change or experimentation.. but not without a basis....

Remember the science experiments we used to do in school..
Aim... Apparatus... Theory.. Method.... 
That's the way to follow here also...


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