Road Rationale

In our busy lives nowadays, we seem to spend most of our time in office, and the remaining time on the roads (driving, i mean)...
Its interesting to observe how people react to different situations on the road... I've come to believe that it has a direct correlation with our actual behaviour (or maybe our closet behaviour)...

For instance, what would be your instantaneous reaction when you see an ambulance, with a blowing siren coming behind you...
  • don't bother clearing the passage for it - a dumb ass who doesn't bother about rules, not even when it's a matter of life and death for someone else
  • clear the way, and the immediately follow it - an opportunist who has found a  way to beat the traffic
  • clear the passage, wait for it to pass by, and then proceed with wherever you were driving to - normal bahaviour (or so I thought) of a cool headed individual
  • clear the passage, and remained on the sidelines - laid back individual, who is not bothered about pace
Disclaimer: These are my personal views, and need not be in sync with yours... though I'm curious to hear about what you see on the road :)


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