Race through Life

We drive the car in great speed... competing with others on the road... gathering dust, and hopefully just a few scratches here and there... without bothering about what we have done to others... not caring what we leave behind...

But that's not the way I'd like to live life...
After all, there IS only one life :)


  1. Sometimes life is like that. It 'stretches' us in a manner that we are not able to focus on anything other than our 'immediate' problems. And one 'immediate' problem lies ahead of the current one, and another one in front of that etc.

    I think the key is remembering that no phase is permanent. And that our true nature, whatever it is, cannot stay dormant for long, which is both a good and a bad thing :-)

    1. True...
      Sometimes we realize... often too late...

  2. Zindagi milegi na dobara :) (Y)


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