Moments & Milestones

Most of us wait for occasions to celebrate... birthdays... anniversaries ... exam results (though that was more a cause of concern for me ;))...
I came from an even more extreme school of thought, where I thought that no day, and everyday is the same.. so why celebrate !

Now, we look for a reason to celebrate.. a Indian team victory... a lost purse found.... anything & everything qualifies as a reason to celebrate.. 
Maybe I am not as cynical anymore... either-ways, it feels good :)

We don't always need a Milestone to celebrate... even the little Moments in life count....


  1. Exam results are a cause of concern for everyone, because no matter how much one scores, one will always be at less than 100.00000%. Just like any amount of money cannot make one satisfied, because it is lesser than some greater amount.

    I did not understand the no day, and everyday is the same line.

    I do not know about you, but for me personally, a reason to celebrate is just my own weakness for the celebration. For example, I love to eat. So, every good thing, with an as loose definition of good as possible is a cause for celebration. Sometimes even imaginary things are causes for celebration for me!

    1. :) I know what you mean about "100%"

      What i was implying with No day/everyday is No day is any special... and everyday is the same...

    2. It can be argued that everyday is the same, but we, as people are different on different days. And then we blame the days. If my tea/coffee felt good in the morning, it is going to be a great day, otherwise, .....

    3. agreed...
      I guess if we are in a foul mood, we'll just look for an excuse to find fault with the day...
      In the same way, the reverse is true..

      But I am talking of the larger attitude in general...

    4. Your idea about the larger attitude is correct. In a way, no matter how much we like/dislike each day in a week, getting to the weekend makes us happy. (do tell if it is out of context)

      It is cool that you bring attitude into it, because I have seen different people react differently to the same situation. What brings out the best in one person might make a sitting duck (mentally/emotionally) of the other.

      Now that there are more and more ideas around the same thing, my little brain is kind of feeling unable to think more :-)

  2. What you are saying is correct. However, I was referring to the broader aspect of how we treat life...

  3. Life is all about those lovely little moments which give you a reason to celebrate.. :)

    I am glad you started enjoying those moments! :)

    *Der lagi lekin maine ab hai jeena seekh liya*

    P.S. Again from Zindagi milegi na dobara! ;)

    Wish you a Happy Life! :)

    1. Not Zindagi Na Milegi... this is from experiences more closer home...
      but now that you mention, even the movie had the same essence...

    2. Yes i was kind of dedicating a song to your real life situation! :)

    3. hmmm... even the movie works !


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