That Sound in your Head

Has it happened that their is a constant voice in your head.. which just doesnt stop...
Some call it conscience, some call it sub-sonscious.. some call it your alter ego..

I feel its just our mind playing games..
saying things that we'd probably hesitate saying out aloud..

and the lesser you talk to people, the stronger the voice in your head grows...


  1. You can translate the sound in your head in a creative pursuit. Thats what I do with the voices in head.

    A nice observation though

  2. @Sushant : It can be translated onto a pursuit only if it pops up once in a while..
    what would you do if it's like a constant buzz in your head...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "what would you do if it's like a constant buzz in your head..."

    talk to yourself,i guess...

    btw,nice observation.

  5. @ razorhead :
    you keep talking to yourself.. you stop talking to the world..
    the first step to be certified insanity :)


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