Divided or Equal ?

Thats it now.. I've heard enough..

It all started long time ago I guess.. I mean this irritating feeling...

Obama's becoming a President is an achievement.. because he's a Black.. as if it wouldn't qualify to be an achievement otherwise.. we make it sound as if it isn't his political stand on issues that matters but the colour.. and then we talk about equality blah blah...

Today's TOI (front page) said "Two big Hindu leaders under ATS scanners".. as if 2 leaders being under the scanner wouldn't catch your eyeballs...

What is it with us.. to associate every issue with caste, colour, religion... I don't know about other countries, but somehow, all of us, I mean us Indians, have a habit to categorize everyone.. and we'd make sure we'll find a reason.

We all take pride that we are a nation with so many cultures , castes and religions.. and we all still coexist.. but I sometimes wonder if we really do..

Given the slightest opportunity, we are willing to point fingers at another, and justify it by simply saying the person is a Hindu or a Muslim..

What is it with us ??


  1. In the case of the Hindu leaders suspected of involvement in terror activities, the word Hindu assumes significance because these are things previously only associated with Muslims. And therefore the statement is justified.

    The headline "Two leaders being under the scanner" would also raise eyeballs but not as much as two 'Hindu' leaders, because these are people who have always portrayed a different image, and now are being exposed.

  2. @ SWB : Isn't what you are saying exactly about the way we think..
    Even if I accept the first point you made...
    Like i said, being a leader, and being under the scanner is not bad enough for all of us any longer..

  3. ... But that is human nature Dwiti. And human nature is not that easy to change. Let me give you an example. Karl Marx and the founding fathers of socialism propounded a system where each would have just the same as everyone else, there would be no rich and no poor, and everyone would live happily ever after. But they forgot to consider one very vital human trait - greed, or the want for more. Which is what led to the collapse of communism worldwide. To make my point- you visualize an ideal world where there would be no divisions/distinctions of any sort, but that will never be. It's how we're made.

  4. The truth is we have often blamed the Western people(read 'Goras') of racialism and discriminating and mistreating people based on their colour,etc.
    To think about it,Indian people are worse...we discriminate people in a pathetic manner...how many times have you heard "are uski shaadi kaisi hogi ...bechari saavli/kali hai!"...and thanks to such a mentality...the beauty and fairness creams have flourished...
    am digressing from the main point...but what kind of attitude will people harbouring such thoughts have?
    Your comments,please.

  5. point taken..
    its about this need for man to try and differentiate between everything they see.. whatever the basis might be..

    @SWB : maybe i do sound like an idealist..now that you mention... but i still really wish..people would try.. it isn't that hard you know...


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