Oops.. they've done it again

So its elections season again..
And the government has decided to use reservations as the bait this time around..
After the prolonged debate... and public outrage... be it MBBS students and the public..
the government suddenly became silent on the whole issue.. and the people, especially students, became hopeful that there is justice..
there is hope...
that equality is not restricted to reservations of seats but is about everyone getting a chance to compete openly, in the circumstances they are, without any external aid...

But now that the elections are looming ahead, the government has decided that reservations is the solution...
And we are back to trying to seek admission into a prestigious instutute, feeling at a disadvantage....


  1. Hi Dwiti! Thanks for the visit to Fire to Ashes, and for being so kind with your views.

    So you are latched onto politics ehh? Going this way, soon we'll have a reservation for the so called upper castes.

    It has always been dirty. Isnt it?

  2. yes.. infact the way reservations are being allotted, there will be a dayhere the common man will need reservation...

  3. interesting topic...

    i believe reservation system can be ended, or at least set right, only when we show the politicians that it won't serve as the carrot which will fetch them votes... the power of popular opinion is starting to get its due in our country now, and it is high time we all got the system working...

    but for that we need to vote.. for which very few of us are able to spare some time... ironically!!!

  4. hey there, thanks for visiting!
    the speed with which the supreme court made a decision should have been a tip-off that UPA had a role to play in it. i'm now worried that i might have to "reserve" a bandwidth quota for my vistors from the lower castes.


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