Brain Drain

We all talk about brain drain.. it seems to be the socially relevant thing to do..
But if it ccontinues this way, with reservations for different sections of the society, the bright people will definitely have to look out for alternatives universities/locations for education...
The industry & the corporate world should take a firm stand on the issue...
or they should forever be mum when they discuss availability of skilled manpower...


  1. don't you think we ourselves should do something about it... like not vote for the people who think that reservation will get them votes...

  2. bingo..
    you've hit the nail on the head..
    once a majority of us start voting, most problems will be less severe..

    But dont you think waiting for an election is too long to wait for justice ???

  3. are we trying to say that if reservations were removed, fewer people will exit the country?

    I seriously doubt that..

    I do not, for once believe that reservations should exist. What I do find debatable is - reservations being the reason behind brain drain!

    Reservations do state a lack of availability of free seats, but people do pay to get seats in an university abroad too...

    Doesnt that leave us back to square one?

  4. good point raised there by beauty... people are going out not because of reservation only but because of a host of other reason, foremost being the quality of education on offer..

  5. @ beauty & marvin

    what both of you are saying is probably true.. it might not be the driving factor.. but it is one of the many factors..


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