
A full Circle ?

India is a predominantly Agrarian society... still....  And though parts of the country have evolved really quickly, parts are still trying to come to term with the changes that are coming away... The part which is in touch with what is happening around the world, has suddenly realized that Organic food is the way to go... that a healthy diet should be free pesticides and other chemicals.. that the best way to grow food, is to not use any artificial fertilizers, and instead make do with the likes of cow dung. However, what is truly ironic is that the other part of the country is still coming to terms with the fact that crop can be genetically modified... that there is the possibility of using fertilizers to make the growth and yield more efficient..... At the end of the day, one part is trying to quickly unlearn what the other part is still trying to learn !!!!

Source Outsourced

So what would you prefer - to hear directly from the horse, or an intermediary ? Even if we ignore the Chinese whisper part, hearing directly is more satisfying and justified... both for the horse and the ear :) But in all fairness, if there has been no value add by the intermediary, and the news was delivered as it was told, does it really matter. Why do we, so often, make such a big deal of not being told directly... I am still unable to figure it out...

Work - Life

All of us (or atleast most of us) slog at office.. We explain the donkey work in one of the many ways... financial independence... fruitful (fruitful ? for whom ?!?) utilization of time... alternate social circle..  Whatever the excuse, we always find reasons to work more... push the limits.. try and prove that we are the best ... Little do we realize, that the trade off if ticking someone off... someone you'd want to be a part of your life... for life :) Jobs are temporary... but in the strife to excel at work, we loose track of our home... and annoy (often more than once) the person you'd rather be with..... and in effect, loosing them for life.... So is it all worthwhile...  in the end...  what matters more ? "Your" life or your "Life" ?!?


walking around the streets wanderlust gaining miles beating the dust meeting new people gaining trust... travelling is a form of catharsis.. making me realize what I really want...


There is no such thing as duty. If you know that a thing is right, you want to do it. If you don't want to do it—it isn't right. If it's right and you don't want to do it—you don't know what right is and you're not a man. ~ Ayn Rand,  We The Living

Arbid thoughts

a fit a burst a thought a curse just rambling no passion just ambling no reason long days sad ways life - a journey wasted away

Small Things in Life

Off late I seem to be missing the small things in life... Does it make any sense when I say that I miss those random midnight chats with friends.... being able to call anyone at anytime of the day/night.... those arbitrary discussion about a travel trip which starts with seeing the photos... the wish to have all meals together...  24hrs with no one but myself... I can go on an on...  But somehow, the sudden realization that I probably won't be able to do any of this is giving me a dull feeling of missing out on life...  Somehow it is these small moments in life that I am missing... and in effect, the bigger things being achieved seemed to look paler in comparison...