A full Circle ?

India is a predominantly Agrarian society... still.... 
And though parts of the country have evolved really quickly, parts are still trying to come to term with the changes that are coming away...

The part which is in touch with what is happening around the world, has suddenly realized that Organic food is the way to go... that a healthy diet should be free pesticides and other chemicals.. that the best way to grow food, is to not use any artificial fertilizers, and instead make do with the likes of cow dung.

However, what is truly ironic is that the other part of the country is still coming to terms with the fact that crop can be genetically modified... that there is the possibility of using fertilizers to make the growth and yield more efficient.....

At the end of the day, one part is trying to quickly unlearn what the other part is still trying to learn !!!!


  1. Nice post. Recently, on a short trip between Jaipur and Delhi even I could look into potentials of agrarian economy and India's ability to affect global concerns like warming and environmentalism...

    1. True...
      There is lots of potential.. and it is a tight rope walk for a country like India... the choice between industrialization and agriculture..

  2. Cycle yes.....just like any other thing. We'd also get into the mode where we will start exporting cow dung for organic farming now and later import it because we'd need it :D

    1. Cycle it is... but what I was referring to is how one part of the nation is still learning how to improve the efficiency through fertilizers etc, and how, at the same time, other parts of the country is unlearning the same..


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