
Good wishes and Blessings

Some would call me selfish...   But somehow, I associate great value to the blessings we get... At the end of the day, it isn't the food we eat or the air we breathe that keeps us going, it is the good wishes and blessings we get... earn... deserve that take us through the day, and life in general. So if I see my grandmother waving her hand, I ensure it firmly lands on my head :)


A wise person once said.. "Just because my eyes don't show tears, doesn't mean I don't get hurt... Just because I come our strong, doesn't mean that nothing went wrong... I often choose to pretend to be happy, so that I don't need to explain to people who will never understand... Smiling has always been easier than explaining why I am sad...." This is so true.... 


We often put ourselves through so much pain, both physical and mental, which we face firmly, without loosing our mind, unscathed... despite the pain, we don't leave teary eyed... And then there are days, when all it takes is a tumble, and the eyes just let go... It's like the mind just looses control...

Anti - Social Media

As a part of evolution, looks like we are on our way to becoming more social people... not that we have suddenly started bonding with our friends or interacting with our neighbours... but by simply sharing every possible event and non-event of our life on "social" media...  Be it Facebook, which seems to have successfully found means and ways to even ruin a special holiday by checking into the resort, or Linkedin, through which Microsoft seems to have taken on Facebook, and created a timeline of its own. What was once a professional network, and again become a sequence of posts.  Whatsapp seems to be the latest addition with its segment on latest status update. Despite creating the misnomer called being a "social" animal, as a society, we seem to be lonelier, more cut off from not just friends but even family. We claim to be extroverts, shouting out to the world, without realizing we aren't even capable of listening to ourselves most of the times. It is as


Haven't seen a more effective anti - smoking film !

Love and Being Loved

We were recently having an arbitrary conversation recently about who are our real loved ones, besides our parents/children. It was fairly amusing to see, as I deliberated on my choices, that my answers would have varied at different points in my life. The change can partly be attributed to the change in environment around us, and hence the different people around us, but it also has to do with the change in our interpretation on the concept called love and being loved. The only people who will probably steadily rank high on this list, despite time and age are our parents.

Choices and Aspirations

This is an important question... There is no right answer.. I think it is each woman to her own... Though they haven't provided the answer, Titan has managed to capture most of the thoughts growing in our minds... We all have our thoughts on what kind of parents we'd like to be... what all we'd aspire for our child, and what in turn we achieve ourselves... But in most cases, becoming parents (especially mothers) suddenly changes their lives where all hopes and aspirations are for the child, almost neglecting oneself...  I wonder what I'd do when the time comes !!

Words... Play...

We utter the words... and then bite our tongue... We often wish to ask a question... and then debate if it our place to pose the question... It is not always the courage... It is often behind the words, that often don't get uttered.... Hmmmm.....

Trials and Tribulations

The push.. The pull... The trial.. The failure... When the multiple unsuccessful attempts give you such a surge... I wonder what finally getting through would feel like !

What Women Want

You don't need magical powers like Mel Gibson What Women Want > to be able to hear what goes on in her mind. All it takes is sometime in the Ladies compartment of the Delhi Metro or Mumbai local. You'll find women of all shapes, sizes and ages giving their immediate neighbour a piece of their mind or brooding themselves. Eitherways, you'll know, and you won't even have a choice about it :)

Present and Future

What if we could see our future... and experience it... would we then live our present the way we are living it now ? Hopefully then, won't our future change ? So did we even see our future ?  Or was it all an illusion ?

to Mumble or to Tumble out

If there is one line from Fight Club that I feel nails the philosophy of life, it is this. All a gun does is focus an explosion in one direction. We think, we think more...we overthink... but more often than not, we don't talk... we bottle it up... All it takes is a trigger... for it to all come tumbling out... and then, we suddenly start saying things......  which... we never would have.. leading to an impact and a recoil... neither of which is desirable.. It's okay to count to 10 and backwards before you start talking... but there has to be a limit to which you keep swallowing your words.

That Spot there

what would you do if a thought is just stuck in your head like a big black stain on a white bedspread the mindspace won't let it go, though the mind is trying the more the effort to let go, the more it seems to spread and become firm. I wonder... How I can destroy the thought without destroying the mind...


Modi's current move of demonetization seems to be the current buzz word wherever we go. India’s PM, Narendra Modi, surprised and even shocked many when he announced that Rs 500 and 1,000 notes would no longer be legal currency. This is some 86% of the entire cash money supply of the country. Without getting into the political aspects (though I am sure that is a significant piece of the move), there seem to be some clear positives in this. Finally, the old cash being hoarded by the infinite households of India have finally seen the light of the day, and in some cases a bank account as well. The sudden purging of currency will bring the terrorist activities to a screeching halt. Suddenly banks are seeing a huge inflow of cash. Banks have cumulatively received around 5.5 Lakh Crore Rupees within one week. However, there appears to be a lot of collateral damage. People are having a tough time accessing their own hard earned money which is lying in bank accounts. Nee

I have a Dream

Every time I feel low or disheartened about the way things are turning out, I find pleasure in this song by Abba.... Somehow it never fails to comfort me and give me hope... I have a dream, a song to sing To help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of a fairy tale You can take the future even if you fail I believe in angels Something good in everything I see I believe in angels When I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I have a dream, a fantasy To help me through reality And my destination makes it worth the while Pushing through the darkness still another mile I believe in angels Something good in everything I see I believe in angels When I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I have a dream, a song to sing To help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of a fairy tale You can take the future even if you fail I believe in angel


The music fades Glasses clink People hobble around Trying to make conversation Spotted... finally Our eyes meet What glorious dressing I just start to drool All I need to do now Is get to you first Lest, someone will devour you And you won't last I pick up my plate Not wasting time on cutlery My hands enough For you, my dear Biryani !!!!


Recently watched Pink . I could go on and on about how everyone must must watch this movie, especially the current generation. Not to understand what are the do's and don'ts for nightlife for a women in Delhi. But to understand what is perceived, not just by strangers but even our peers. It left one with a numbing feeling that anyone could be trapped in the same way. And ironically one doesn't need to be naive either. Even a all knowing street smart person can get caught.  So what is the solution. Not just to avoid such "accidents" but also how to break the prejudices in peoples minds.  Education, clearly, isn't the answer, since I myself know well educated and groom post graduates suffering the same prejudices. The crux however remains, that each and every human being (not just males but females as well) needs to listen to and understand the meaning of these lines. "ना " सिर्फ़ एक  शब्द  नहीं अपने आप में  एक पूरा वाक्य हैं 

An Epitaph

you were here with us  and suddenly, we were grappling with different facts that the life you embraced with such joy and simplicity had deserted you somehow you smiled  throughout  whatever came your way in life you maintained your calm through all the pain and strife thoroughly enjoying everything from a Indian team cricket victory to a wedding with you, even a coke and hot chocolate fudge felt like a treat having discussed everything with you from politics to books we are now left wondering if we missed the opportunity to tell you in our lives, what for, you stood though we are left trying to pick up the pieces again we know you'd want us to enjoy life your way so we won't cry or add misery to our life ahead though we will always be wondering how it would've been if you hadn't left

The Myth called Equality

All of us talk about India being a progressive society. That we are catching up the "modern" world.  That women are now treated equally... or atleast will be. It is a good thought to pursue, since India is one of the few nations in the world where we have the existence of a matriarchal society, where the woman of the house has the right to property, money and business. Don't get me wrong, it is not about the money, but more a sense of power and rights, and the notional symbols attached to it by our society. Needless to say, in most cases, the woman is forced to fight for this right, despite being the care giver towards the later parts of life. And again, by woman, I don't necessarily mean daughter... it could well be the daughter-in-law who has been doing what it takes. But what good is all this power, when the same woman is beaten, raped in wide open streets, and then is told that she is at "fault" and is tainted... ironically due a crime committe

Patriotism versus Nationalism

Ever since BJP has come to power in the centre, there seems to be too much discussion by the paparazzi and the Fourth estate about how the decisions are swinging from the center to the right... progressively towards the extreme right. This recent article by Gurcharan Das in The Sunday Times on Patriotism versus Nationalism brings back the same thoughts.  Strangely, if you look at the dictionary meanings to the two words, they seem almost identical... both referring to a patriotic feeling. nationalism. [ˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m] NOUN 1.patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts. "an early consciousness of nationalism and pride" patriotism. [ˈpeɪtrɪətɪz(ə)m] NOUN 1.the quality of being patriotic; vigorous support for one's country. "a highly decorated officer of unquestionable integrity and patriotism" Then why is it that the media seems to be equating nationalism with jingoism, and patriotism with something more controlled. Both emotions are strong,