An Epitaph

you were here with us 
and suddenly, we were grappling with different facts
that the life you embraced with such joy and simplicity
had deserted you somehow

you smiled throughout 
whatever came your way in life
you maintained your calm
through all the pain and strife

thoroughly enjoying everything
from a Indian team cricket victory to a wedding
with you, even a coke and hot chocolate fudge
felt like a treat

having discussed everything with you
from politics to books
we are now left wondering
if we missed the opportunity to tell you in our lives, what for, you stood

though we are left trying to pick up the pieces again
we know you'd want us to enjoy life your way
so we won't cry or add misery to our life ahead
though we will always be wondering how it would've been if you hadn't left


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sometimes things don't fall in line..
    but it's best to convey whatever you have in your heart,
    it's best to have hope that everything will be the same again..

    1. true... but we keep assuming that life is eternal, and what hasn't been said today can be said tomorrow... or worse still, that the person already knows !


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