Eureka Moment

My typical retort to anyone who said that they don't believe in God is whether they believe in 'What you give is what you get'.... because anyone who believes in this fine balance of life cannot deny the existence of the almighty.. whatever name might chose to attribute...

But a discussion with a friend recently gave me a eureka moment... while I was seemingly smug about the realization of the existence, I seemed to be making the same error when talking about the form. 

Till then, I always believed in the existence of an almighty, but was almost proud in declaring that I don't believe in the current propagated forms, like a Ganesh, Christ etc. Instead I believed in the Nirakaar or Advaita form.

But now I feel like a fool.. the existence of God, her form or the idea of her being formless is all the say. It is just a way we choose to perceive the almighty, or whatever you to choose to call her...

The more I think about it, the more obvious my ignorance appears to be...
How quick I have been to judge people who believe in idols, and how conveniently I did the same thing in a different form..

Oh, what a fool I am !!
Or maybe that's what the whole journey is about !!!

From Aakaar to Nirakaar to Sarvavyaapi...


  1. You are not a fool. You are very intelligent. You had discussion in your mind about different forms..

    1. The vagaries of the mind are difficult to explain :)

  2. No one knows. Yes, the journey is about this. Ultimate goal is moksha.
    Till then, we'll have to keep wondering & hopefully perhaps have Eureka moments!
    So nice that you have referred to God as "Her".

    1. Thank you for coming by Anita. Don't know what my ultimate goal is.. still figuring that one out...But yes, these Eureka moments definitely set the tone.


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