Work Life Imbalance

Most of us are working to earn a living or make a name or for both.
But in this strife to achieve what we set out for, we often forget the people in our lives... 

Practicality needs to prevail, as ends need to be met and bills need to be paid.. but if one really thinks about it, one would realize how this material gain seems to, often, override any other wishes. And the biggest collateral damage is always the family and loved ones.

So the next time you sit at your work desk and decide to work an 'extra half an hour', please contemplate not just the future time saved at work but also the time missed with the family and loved ones.

Needless to say, time with family is definitely priceless, viz-a-viz time at work !



  1. Time with family is priceless. Everyone should be able to balance their work life and family life. Bosses at work should also cooperate. Here, where I work, if an employee wants to attend his/her kid's after school baseball game, the boss would let him/her go.

    1. The time is priceless.. But I am still wondering when the Indian Corporate world would come around to appreciating such things...


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