Failure before Success

What happens when we fail once.. 
Do we just give up or try again... 

Do we start building walls and fences around us...
And if we are one of the courageous ones top finally tries again, is it ok to make the criterias more stringent, or would you just stick to your belief and trudge ahead... 

Don't think there is any right or wrong in this... 
No one should judge... 

It should finally be each to their own... 


  1. I love how you end with to each his own, I think if our hearts are open, the world shows us a new way everytime; so there's never really any failure, its just change of doors!

    Hope you're doing well.

    1. Thanks for coming by....
      You are right in sating that if we are open about the situation, the world will show a way... But it is often tough to have an open mind...


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