Revenue versus Welfare

I understand a person's urge to do certain things.. to scratch and itch.. to click fingers.... to crack their knuckles... I get all that.. But I somehow can't seem to get over this urge hoards of people seem to have to grab a drink on Friday night to unwind.... Don't get me wrong, I am not against the idea of relaxing with friends over food and drinks.. but the primary objective always remains catching up... catching up isn't the excuse !

But now, Friday nights have been presenting a new nightmare... it is the jam close to our place thanks to a new 'state owned' liquor shop.... Every Friday, the place crowds up like there is no tomorrow... needless to say the joy in parking their vehicles inorder to successfully block all traffic....

I wonder what is the basis of these licenses the government doles out licenses for such liquor stores. There are already 3 such stores in a 2 km radius, and this is not including the 'sophisticated' wine selling stores... I don't think we have pharmacies as equally spaces out as these liquor stores. 

For obvious state revenue related decisions, I am guessing the States provide liquor licenses to cover every 1 km radius of the city, be it posh areas or the outskirts, so that no area remains untouched by the reach of such shops.I only wish such diligence was shown by the state to ensure availability of hospitals and medicines in every nook and cover of the state. 

If only state's welfare was gauged not just through revenue but also in reach of such essential services like medication. Afterall, its all about the money, Honey !


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