70 years of Independence, yet miles to go before we sleep

The recent Dera incident has made one thing very clear. Irrespective of what the underlying issue, be it Rape or simply reservation for few people, our instant reaction is violence and uncontrollable outburst. I am still unable to comprehend how any follower of the "god" men can react in such a way to support a rapist.... I wonder if even one-tenth of them with stand in arms with the one who has been raped. We are just pathetic.

But that's not the core issue.... why most of these people have such staunch die-hard followers is because in some other twisted ways, they have worked for the society... be it free hospitals or education or just basic meals. 
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate the guts of these people who claim to work for the society's betterment and behind curtains commit such sins.... 
But the point still remains... for someone who can't afford a square meal a day, if someone ensures clean food or proper medication or a roof to stay, the person will be given a demi-god status.

The absolute basics, roti - kapda - makaan, which the state should have ensured for each citizen by now, is still a far away dream even after 70 years of Independence. Till the state steps up and provides these essentials, there will always be someone/ some institution which misuses this weakness of the people to derive their end purpose.


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