Going with the Flow ?!?

I was recently reading about Kiran Gandhi, who ran the London Marathon.. not only for a cause, but also for a purpose... something very few of us manage to achieve.

Like she puts it, she was facing an otherwise simple decision... whether to run the marathon when she was menstruating.. or to defer her plan of running to the marathon for one more year despite training for it all year long.... and she finally decided to go with the flow.

I doubt if even 1% of women would have the courage to do what she did... though associating this act just with courage would also be incorrect. Despite being a totally natural process, menstruation seems to be one of the most taboo issues of today's society, atleast in India.... and it takes an act like this to bring people to atleast start talking about it, even if the discussions are only limited to the social media.

I am a woman, and I menstruate... No one can understand what happens during the process, and it cannot be explained either. But the least one can do is not make it sound like a covert operation, each time one is "down".


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