Mind Out of Control

Have you ever encountered someone with a neurological condition in your daily life...
It makes me wonder how anyone can cope with something like this... physical disability is one thing.. but mental imbalance due to things beyond your control is scary...

My workplace had one such person who is a Schizophrenic, who was recently fired... I have not worked with him ever in close quarters, so I can't say what the "output" of all his work was... but to think that one would suddenly be deemed useless is very scary..

As if to reinforce the emotion, I happened watch Still Alice, an movie nominated for Oscars, for which Julianne Moore, the protagonist, went to win the award for the Best performance for 2014. 

It is scary to think that one can slowly (or is it too quickly) lose memories, thoughts, speech and eventually control over our own life... I wouldn't wish a neurological disease on even my worst enemy, leave alone a friend. 

But are we doing enough... 
With our changing lifestyles, diets and work-life-pressures, we are all moving towards unhealthy lives... anyone can face such a disease... and we don't seem to know what to do... We don't even empathize with such people and often make fun. It is important to understand that it can happen to anyone, and it is even beyond their control.

I understand not accepting mediocrity in work... but is there no time and space for humanity and emotions in this world  ????


  1. This is really sad, people these days are so caught up with their own life that they does not even care what is going around or what matters the most.

    There is not much humanity left in us humans.

    1. The travesty of our age is lack of time to even feel human..


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