Rage of this Age

The levels of aggression and anger that most people are walking around with nowadays is almost scary. I often wonder if I will get beaten incase I accidentally scratch someones car.
People now don't have time for words and explanations... they only want an end result... even if the end result is just ending someone's life.. 

One of the related aspects is also that people have stopped giving it another thought, when they wish to start taking the law into their hands... maybe if there was a fear of punishment, or someone holding them responsible, the incidence might reduce...

Such policing  is needed, because our moral compasses are Dead !
We don't think twice before abusing someone.. one mistake by anyone, and we wish to give it back, one way or another...

It's just sad how things are shaping up... for all of us.. In all of us !!!


  1. I think humans as a species have always been competitive and aggressive. It is just that life is very fast now a days, which leads to more interactions with others. An aggressive and dangerous environment is very common in countries with large populations and a rising gap between the rich and the poor, including India, South Africa and Brasil.

    As an individual, I try to stay as fit and strong as possible, not only because of health and confidence reasons, but also because I might need to defend myself or someone else in any given situation.

    1. You are right in what you are saying... and it is also right that one needs to be prepared... but where does one draw the line, between being prepared, and keeping baseball bats in their car boot....


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