Control Me to Control You

Was recently reading an Article on how tears know no gender... however society has always tried to associate tears as a sign of weakness.... I remember mentioning this in an earlier post, and somehow, the thought evokes the exact same emotions... 
I am all for privacy of emotions and especially tears. But that doesn't deny anyone the right to shed a tear.. whether in memory, or in heartbreak...

On a different, yet somehow related note, assuming all household face the same music, every house takes a certain effort from all members... expecting one person to manage the show is not only difficult, it is unfair... Having said that, each person has their own way of pitching in, which needn't necessary the way you'd want/like it... Also, more often than not, household chores are on a higher priority for women as compared to men.. so while men seek control elsewhere,  women seek control in household issues...
I am not sure who is the controller, and who is being controlled... or rather if there is a subject and an object, but I am yet to discover a mid ground on this one...

It's a tricky ground, I agree...

It's not that you should never love something so much that it can control you.
It's that you need to love something that much so you can never be controlled.
It's not a weakness.
It's your best strength.
~ Patrick Ness, The Ask and the Answer


  1. It's not that you should never love something so much that it can control you.
    It's that you need to love something that much so you can never be controlled.
    It's not a weakness.
    It's your best strength.
    ~ Patrick Ness, The Ask and the Answer

    I liked the lines... And its tricky ground as stakes are high... when you love something that much, the loss will be a whirlwind, a turmoil... but then again foundations of gains are built on losses...

    1. It is a vicious circle... to let free... or to try and change what you don't like... thin line between giving freedom & space and not caring that much !!!


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