
Gandhi is one of the most critically acclaimed figures of India... I say critically acclaimed because there are almost as many critiques to his ideology as there are followers....

So when he opens the window to his mind and explains his thought process, one can only read with curiosity and intent.
I won't say I am a fan or a blind follower of all that this man did... But I can safely admit that I admire some of the things he achieved...

And as much as we might criticize him for being over - cordial with Britishers in the initial years, to the final agreement (or should it be called disagreement) over the partition of India, one can't but admire his will power and stubbornness, to achieve what he had set out to do.

But the singular thing I'd give most credit to Gandhi ji (or rather The Gandhi) is that he managed to bring the nation together, in a way nobody else could manage, and by doing, what most would have labelled as cowardly action.... Satyagraha.

In today's world, where we keep looking for incorruptible role models (literally !), here is a man who finally achieved what he started out to do !

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
~ Mahatma Gandhi


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