Stranger Help !

In the middle of hustling bustling traffic, my car broke down.
Not only did the cop not create a scene, he pushed it to a bylane, with the help of few strangers..
The surprises the day threw up didn't end there...
4 - 5 drivers waiting around helped restart the car when I  opened the bonnet to look for the possible fault... and finally an inquisitive student just came by, and literally plugged the problem...

Don't have enough words to thank them all... Didn't know any of them, but am sure to remember how they helped me yesterday ! 

So the next time I am on the road, and I find someone in need of some help, I'll stop for sure...
Because I am a firm believer....
What goes around, comes around..


  1. I like this post! A lot of helping people around too... a woman helps another poor woman in bus by paying her fare, a young girl gives up her 'reserved' seat for a slightly old but not senior citizen and a whole list of small good things happening around amidst an environment of negative being highlighted too much...

    1. True... we seem to take a very cynical view of life sometimes....

  2. Good for you.

    What I have noticed is that even if we are not able to help someone, being with them for some time in such a situation, encouraging them, lending your phone to them and trying to arrange help goes a long way. For both the stranger in a problem, and for your mood for 2-3 days to come.

    But no matter what, one must ensure that they themselves are safe. I can't define what I mean by safe. It is one's own judgement. My dad had a close shave with a road thugs that pretended to be school teachers somewhere between Ludhiana and Morinda in Punjab once.

    1. True... but it always feels good to give a helping hand... especially to strangers...


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