
Few know what we deserve... and even fewer get what we deserve...
Because in our view, we always have a justification to give.. an answer worthy of the situation... It is for the other to decide... to react as per their senses...

Because there ought to be a greater cause... a bigger picture... a balance... that makes it all worthwhile...

Because sometimes... the truth isn't good enough... Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded....
~ Dark Knight


  1. Justifications really disguise the truth so only they are called justifications :P But Dwiti we can't solemnly depend on others for the path to choose or to let them decide about the situation if its so then we will become jokers to entertain all. Listen to heart and Expect less, this should be the mantra. Now a days we wont get time to think about us only then how can we take out time to think what others will think about our situation. (Had a bit of grammar mistake in previous one so deleted :( )

    1. I agree when you say that of we let others make our decisions, we'll be treated like a joker...
      But what I was referring to, was the sense of justice, which seems to be missing nowadays...

    2. OK.., Now I got clarity of the post. You are damn right here Dwiti. But Irony is, it is also a tricky part to decide, in some situations, to be in tandem with justice or cover it for the altars of everyones' sake.

    3. agreed... tricky it is...
      but the decision needs to be made... the longer the decision lingers... the lesser the faith in the sense of justice....

  2. One of my friends had something like this as his facebook status recently: In childhood, we like Batman. When we grow up, we like the Joker

    The first line is really motivating. I am feeling like I deserve more and that I should work harder.

    1. That's a nice line... I guess as we grow wiser... we tend to loose context of the bigger picture, and seek individual gratification...


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