India Shining !?!

I am a patriot. I am proud of what our country has achieved so far, and think we have great things going for us. But if the biggest factor going for us is people... the biggest factor going against is also the people of the nation.

If we have the likes of Ratan Tata & Dr Anji Reddy, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw & Verghese Kurien, to name a few, who have showcased the ability of what an Indian is capable of... we also have a flip-side. Whether it is corruption, illiteracy, female infanticide or crime, India figures among the few countries on top. 

We never seem to think twice before strutting with pride on the mention of Tata or Kurien at any international forum. Then why does it take us so long to accept that we are the ones responsible for the worst as well.
That WE need to take the initiative to move things towards the better... 
That WE take it on ourselves to stop paying bribes, to educate everyone in our circle of influence, to be brave enough to identify crime and have the courage to cooperate with the police...

That WE stand up and take small steps...
It doesn't always take giant steps to take a leap of mankind...


  1. True.... very true...
    But the realization of people is very slow...
    M afraid it might just be too late !


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