Elections 2014

With the General Elections due next year, one would have thought (or rather, hoped) that the political parties would be working in full swing, to prove their mettle, and show that they are worthy of making the next government.
Unfortunately, most of them are spending their time pointing fingers at each other.
Don't get me wrong, I am a strong believer of the fact that a strong democracy is only when we not only have a strong ruling party, but an equally strong opposition....

But the current scenario is such, where neither is ruling nor the opposition are worthy... as a result, a majority of their time is spent slinging mud at each other & proving themselves innocent & the opposition guilty...

The irony is that, even in the most tragic events, be it the Uttarakhand flood or the Poisionous Mid Day meal in Bihar, all the parties are scrambling in the race of finger pointing... No one has used the opportunity for finding a solution/relief in the crisis....

As voters, the onus is on us, to expect more from each of them.. to raise the bar, and hope that they rise too...


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, long time no see...
      Thanks for coming by..

  2. That's what politics is. I hope more and more people realize this.


    1. Amen to that...
      I hope all of us vote.. and vote right...

  3. True..
    Part of the reason is also that the Best of the Best of us wouldn't want to contest an election in the 1st place !!!

  4. More than the post I like your replies to the comments. They are really attractive and realistic :)


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