Passing the buck

We all have the tendency to blame our parentage for most things.. for our habits, opinions, things we do wrong...
We do learn quite a lot from our parents, but then blaming it all on them, and simply passing the buck (for not doing something the right way) is just escapism..

Its about time (considering we've spent about a quater of a century on this planet) that we stake claim to our actions and doings.


  1. Love the blog, may keep an eye on it there's some real though provoking stuff.

    Would you mind popping over and viewing mine. I'm new to this and would appreciate some feedback.

  2. hmm ... check out my blog. you've got an interesting writing style

  3. that is a great point - the generation of 17-22 year olds feel like they are invincible and others are to blame for their actions - they need to take accountibility for themselves. good point.

    follow my blog of you will -
    cheers - Ryan

  4. Totally agree, there are so many people out there who blame everything on something bad that happened in their childhood. Everyone has bad stuff happen to them, its how you deal with it that makes you what you are, either you learn from it and vow never to do the same or you let it control you.

  5. What I am trying to say is that Childhood are the formative years, where we mostly learn our Dos & Don'ts... but then, we adapt to what we see.. .and twist what we've learnt to our convenience...

    So it is unfair to blame them for everything... besides it shouldn't become an excuse for all the wrong we do..

  6. I agree with you, we do tend to blame others for our mistakes. It is true that we are raised by our parents and do learn from them, but it is also true that at some point we need to be responsible for our own actions.


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