A Window in the Wall

We like walls.. barriers.. boundaries...
Not for others benefit, but our own..
Not that anyone would cross them..
But so that our thoughts don't cross them...

And then we open a small window..
For those special few...
Without realising, that the window will open you to all...


  1. That's the beauty of a window, it offers life the chance to interact with all of that exists outside its walls (which are self-imposed, if truth be said, but that's a matter for another day...) in a way that it desires, with a view it loves.

    And, above all, it is the childlike candour of its duality that's most remarkable, the fact that a window open from one end will always be open from the other.

  2. true.. if only there was a possibility of a semi permeable window ;)

  3. i like how you mix paradox with truth here.... profound



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